Database update for completely automatic workflow
The Database update 2025
Winter Maintenance Program
Only an updated database enables completely automatic workflow of the A/C station and avoids time-wasting research for refrigerant quantities.
The new database is updated with most recent new models and updated information.
The complete list of vehicles included in the 2025 database is available in AC-Servic24. Her a short description of the new database profile:
- 5.502 models from 99 manufacturers represent 75.795 versions
- 4.408 CAR, 922 AGRI, 173 TRUCK • 105 new models and 319 additional information
- CAR: 3.329 models for R134a, 1.080 for HFO
- Increasing HFO share: 36% of models built after 2017, 57% of models built after 2020
- 90% with information on oil quantity
- 72% with information on oil quality
- CAR models: 90% PAG, 10% POE, 92% viscosity ISO46
- Models from 1970 up today. 33% from 2015 on, 8% from 2020 on
- The Database is European and Australian. During the menu-navigation you can select and show the desired geographical area.
- «Custom»: for customized databases or missing vehicles, the menu of the A/C Station is equipped with the «custom» button. This allows not to add, but to complete data manually in specific directory offering the advantage to maintained the data also with successive database update.
- Some car manufacturers install specific A/C systems on some versions of their cars. The quantity of refrigerant may vary depending on the system, the compressor manufacturer or in case of an additional condenser. According to the memory and the display type of the A/C Station, this information is shown directly on the display. Otherwise is given an index indicating this information. The legend of these indexes is available for download in AC-Service24.
Please remember the Database Update is integral part of the regular maintenance we suggest to perform during the Winter months.