Gas Analyser

Accessories and options | WORKSHOP SOLUTIONS | SAFE & SUITABLE

A professional and comprehensive A/C service in the workshop requires, in addition to the A/C Station, adequate accessories, consumables, leakage control solutions and items for regular maintenance.

The optional Gas Analyser is among SCS’s outstanding solutions to protect the station and the A/C system against contaminated refrigerants, to offer safety and environmental protection besides avoiding unexpected costs resulting from repair services due to contamination.

Further, organize regulated disposal of contaminated refrigerants is part of any responsible common sense and is also critical to the proper management of warranties.

The gas analyser detects the percentages of the different refrigerant components. The refrigerant to be analysed is taken with the specific sample hose (not with the service hose as usually adopted by other manufacturers!) thus avoiding possible contamination of the A/C station.


The refrigerant sample is taken with the dedicated sample hose. The result gives percentages of refrigerant’s components

Gas Analyser - 2
Gas Analyser - 1
Gas Analyser - 3