Atf moovetech

For automatic transmission cleaning and oil replacement


Our station stands out as the ultimate choice in the market. By integrating automatic workflows, software-guided procedures, and comprehensive databank. Our dedication to robustness and resistance ensures minimal maintenance making our station truly exceptional.


With its automatic and intuitive controls, it incorporates the most competent workflow settings, carefully crafted by experienced specialists. Users are seamlessly guided through all settings, ensuring an effortless and efficient experience.


The Database contains more than 20.000 vehicles. Encompassing more than 90% of all vehicle models manufactured from 2000 onwards. With immediately available adapters, as well as those obtainable on request, we ensure a comprehensive coverage for all connections.

Smart-Drain system

is is the most comfortable, fast, safe and clean method to handle the used fluid. The recovered oil dripped from the pan is automatically weighed. The height of station’s drain pan is adjustable. The asymmetrical shape adapts it to many different gearboxes.

2 large fine filters

Protect all internal components of the station, avoid the need of maintenance with high filtration capacity preventive filtration of the gearbox circuit during the cleaning phase. For both directions (1 and 2) a dedicated filter.

High performing Manifold

Strategic placement of compact valves and implementation of anti-pressure drop measure ensures the best performance. With Generous diameter and smooth passages for oil flow to prevent pressure drops resulting in increased speed and constant oil flow. is is particularly advantageous for large engine’ d vehicles, sports, vintage and American cars.

Multi-brand new oil tank

New oil tank designed to easily accommodate different sizes and multi-brands.

Discharge used oil by compressed air

Clean, Easy, Fast: no pump necessary, no maintenance or repair. Using highly professional emptying operations we have eliminated any need to remove of the used oil tank making it cleaner, faster, and easier.

Third scale for cleaner

Highest accuracy and precision compared to other manufactures. Using a scale avoids the risk of the pump sucking air while injecting additive and removes the constant need to purge the pump.

High quality connectors

Anti-splash, anti-flap, easy to handle.

Software: automatic and intuitive

Continuous total control software. During the whole process of cleaning, oil replacement and substitution of pan and/or filter, the software workflow never requires running engine in critical moments. The navigation is intuitive. The user is perfectly guided. Most suitable parameters are recommended but not mandatory and the user is always free to define preferred service settings.



Focus on the functions of

Why is ATF service an important issue?

Production of vehicles with automatic transmission is strongly growing and the behavior for gearbox maintenance is changing. Manufacturers recommended “no maintenance” in the past and automatic transmissions have been considered “life time”. Today maintenance with regular cleaning and oil replacement is upcoming. Standards for gearbox connections and procedures are going to be implemented.

What is the benefit to carry out ATF service?

Maintenance of automatic transmission is recommended for best gearbox efficiency, prevent and avoid repair, decrease energy consumption of the vehicle, keeps lower emissions and confers satisfactory, good and long-lasting driver experience.

What is the advantage of ATF service for the workshop?

ATF service becomes undeletable for any professional full-service workshop. Growing requests for ATF service represent important business opportunity for the workshop. Any ATF service is related to the use of consumables (oil, cleaner, additives) and generates additional turnover with high revenues. The ROI (return of investment) is fast.

The adapters range

With the desire to create a range of adapters as great and unique as the ATF machine, we created the most focused range of ATF adapters to best suit the European vehicle parc. For now, the range has grown to 76 adapters and 21 oil lever connectors. Work in constant progress to complete best possible coverage.
Further to individual availability of all adapters for replacement and beyond adapter kits, specific adapter selections have been created to match workshops specific vehicle mix and volume. Adapter kits support workshops in their competent purchase and keep marketability of the adapter range easier.

Adapters of ATF BASE KIT and ATF ADVANCED KIT are delivered in the specific suitcase. For practical use and storage in the workshop of all other suggested ranges (Professional 1 or 2), is available also an empty Adapter Suitcase. Different sizes of compartments suits to the whole range of adapters.

    This basis kit covers most popular vehicles and is essential to start. The range is a perfect ATF
    starting point and provides a great package for the most popular automatic vehicles in Europe requiring ATF service.
    Advanced kit to compliment the coverage of the basis kit.
    Enhancing the core coverage for vehicle routinely presented into all brand aftermarket workshops.
    Recommended adapter selection for more specialistic ATF service. Focusing on less common northern European vehicles focused on central north manufacturers as VW, Mercedes, BMW and Volvo vehicle applications.
    Recommended adapter selection for more specialistic ATF service.
    Focusing on less common European manufacturers Renault, PSA group and FCA group vehicle applications.